Free yourself from mealtime battles and food stress!

Parenthood comes with its set of challenges, and eating can be one of the biggest. You’re determined to learn, to read, to ask, to Google, but nothing really helps. If only you could buy a magic stick and instantly make them eat healthy and well. Boom! Just like that! More balance, less picky eating, less overeating, less crying for candy, less mealtime discussions, free from panic when asked ‘What’s for dinner tonight?’, and more peace.

What if I told you that family food can get easy and nourishing for you too? I may not be a magician, but we can get there together, step by step, day by day. Let me guide you with Family Food Flow, my new monthly membership for multicultural families living in Brussels and abroad.

Do you also feel like this?

  • You want to encourage your kids to explore new foods, making visits to friends and restaurants enjoyable.
  • You and your partner have different eating habits, strategies, and priorities, leading to many discussions and disagreements.
  • Your child’s preference for carbs over veggies makes you prepare multiple dishes, often leading to food waste, frustration, and food battles.
  • You fear your child will lose control around processed foods, ruining birthday parties, holidays, grandparents gatherings and supermarket trips.
  • You feel confused because nutritional guidelines are conflicting, making you worry multiple times a day if your child meets his/her dietary needs
  • Preparing a meal everyone can enjoy seems impossible, which – after a long day – can lead to emotional eating or late-night cravings.

You're exactly where I was three years ago!

I had no mental space, no time, no inspiration, and certainly no energy to plan and cook meals. Yet, I felt a strong need to excel in the kitchen department. My son had to embody the healthiest version of myself, and only the most nourishing nutrition was good enough. After all, I loved my son so much and made it my mission to keep him away from processed foods. I was very aware that I shaped his future eating habits through the foods I offered and my own behavior at the table.That’s why I secretly ate chocolate, and I felt guilty about my food choices during pregnancy.

Then my healthy parenting project hit me in the face. My 2-year-old became incredibly picky. Bye bye serving broccoli and bananas without protest. Pasta was now his preferred food, while vegetables became his enemy. To top it off, the world around us seemed to be constantly offering sweets and treats. I felt frustrated, angry, tired and scared. How could I ensure that my son was eating balanced meals and getting everything he needed from his food? It felt like food had turned into a fight, and everything and everyone was working against me.

Today, I feel peaceful around food. I have unlearned many habits and ideas that were not serving me or my son. I worked on my relationship with processed foods, finding out why they triggered me so much. I unlearned to see food only as fuel for our bodies, allowing me to have more connection, adventure, and fun. I learned to talk less and show more. I learned how to cook for my son without depriving myself of flavor or me-time. I started to feed my child from a place of love, not fear. I learned to get my priorities straight, knowing exactly which seeds to plant for a fulfilling life.

This is also possible for you!

  • You feel confident in your understanding of what foods and nutrients kids really need, lowering stress levels and mental load.
  • You know how to deal with picky eaters (no bribery needed!) and their requests, resulting in less frustration during family mealtimes.
  • You can prepare easy, yummy family meals everyone can eat, without being disappointed or feeling flavor-deprived.
  • You stop worrying about food when your kids go to a party (or to their grand-parents), leading to less conflicts, more social activities and more peace of mind.
  • You feel good about yourself and the foods you prepare for your family (ditching mom guilt!).
  • You can enjoy life again without losing your sanity, breaking the bank, or spending excessive time in the kitchen, freeing up time, money and energy for yourself and your family.

Welcome to Family Food Flow!

My new membership is all about family food and how to feed yourself and your kids with peace and ease.

You’ll get to learn all that’s needed to nourish healthy, multicultural eaters. I empower you with practical parental strategies to tackle common challenges like picky eating, special dietary requests, and processed foods. This way, you’ll know exactly what to do in each situation, with confidence! Plus, for younger eaters, we also explore baby’s first bites.

We also explore your struggles practically and explore your mindset, because balanced nutrition starts with you. Get ready to unlearn many things, uncovering what truly counts for nourishing yourself and your family.

Thanks to your Family Food Flow membership, month by month, you will:

  • Unlearn more than you might learn.
  • Know how to compose varied and balanced family meals (also if you eat vegan, if there are food allergies in your family or if your kids are very picky).
  • Feel less stress, fear, and anger around mealtimes, family gatherings or kid’s parties.
  • Understand picky eating and what do to when your child seems to find everything you prepare ‘yucky’.
  • Understand how to nurture your (child’s) natural ability to regulate food intake.
  • Never resort to bribery or food rewards again for your kids.
  • Tell the difference between nutrition facts and myths.
  • Set family food goals and embody them.
  • Read food labels and make wise supermarket choices.

This is what Rosemarie says about Family Food Flow

“This summer, I became a member of the fantastic Family Food Flow program by family dietitian Sofie De Niet. We started taking a deeper look at our eating habits, both from a distance and up close. The benefits have been incredible. Under Sofie’s expert and gentle guidance, we gained new insights into our relationship with food and made some crucial practical decisions, like keeping frozen meals and vegetables on hand for quick and easy options. Now, nearly two months into the program, I often find myself feeling relaxed during our family meals – a calm I rarely felt even before our baby was born. Her arrival made us more aware of how we eat together and whether we wanted to continue that way. Amid the chaos of three kids with their own needs, we’ve rediscovered the essence of family life. It will never be perfect, and that’s okay. But making sure our time at the table is chill has become a top priority for me.”

Why me?

My matrescence – a difficult word that captures the birth of a mother – has shaped me into a dietitian with an intergenerational vision. During my pregnancy and lactation period, when I became the main nutrition source for my baby, I felt that we pass on so much of our own eating patterns to our children.

Until I understood that not only what we eat, but also how we talk about food, what we say about our new body and how we react to some products (hello, chips, and co!) has an impact on our children’s eating patterns and body confidence.

Now I know how to truly raise healthy eaters. I can feed my family (and myself) with less effort, less stress, less confusion and less discussions. I know what to say when my 4-years-old asks for processed foods, I can prepare fast, nutritious meals and eating is easier, fun even, plus adapt this to the needs of my baby (who is just getting starting eating solids).

On top of this, I also live in a multicultural family, just like my patients. I know what you are going through – whether it’s not finding your usual food or needing to mix completely different eating habits (and approaches!). But there’s good news! Just like in every good partnership, there’s always a way to make things work, also in the food departement.

This is what Alejandra says about Sofie

“Meeting Sofie has changed my life. Her advice has made my life so much easier and uncomplicated. She has helped me and my family find the perfect balance and relationship with food. I have been lucky to have access to several professionals who have helped me understand my family’s nutritional needs, but Sofie has been the best so far. If you have the chance to meet with her, do it! You will not regret it.”

What's Family Food Flow?

Family Food Flow is my growing membership for mums and dads living in the Brussels region and/or abroad. I want you to understand what really matters to raise healthy eaters (and what doesn’t), while also giving you practical tools and answers to nourish yourself, your children and your inner peace.

This is included in Family Food Flow:

  • access to monthly new content in my private podcast (audio library with insights, tools and exercises)
  • answers to your practical questions about the given information (in my private podcast and/or group sessions)
  • safe guided group sessions with me (Q&A’s, exercises, meditations, implementation sessions, workshops, meal planning brainstorms …)
  • my honest advise and experiences (as well as support from other parents during the safe group sessions)
  • you and your partner both get access (1 membership per family)
  • NEW growing recipe inventory from and for parents in the membership
  • INCLUDED – 1 free 60-minute 1-1 onboarding session with me to help you find your way in the membership and fearlessly find your food goals

So what can I expect the next months?

Every month, you’ll get access to the content I create for this Family Food Flow membership. Month by month, you get all the practical knowledge that you need to grow healthy eaters, plus how to feed yourself and your family. But also the guts, growth, mindset, and your relationship with food.

Here’s an overview of the planned content for the next 3 months:

★ October Food talks

In October, we focus on having peaceful and healthy conversations about food with our children. What do we say when they ask for candy, cookies, or chips? How does our inner critic perceive junk food? And how can we shift our dialogue to a more balanced perspective, including defining what healthy food means?

★ November – Abundance

November is all about embracing abundance, both in mindset and meals. You’ll explore the cultural richness that food brings to our lives without the fear of ‘too much.’ Discover new ideas for adding variety to your (family’s) plates as we challenge the scarcity mentality often perpetuated by diet culture.

★ December – Pleasure

December is dedicated to finding pleasure in food, just in time for the holiday season. Explore how enjoying what you eat can enhance your wellbeing – functionally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

This program can be adapted if members (also you!) express other content priorities.


How do I know Family Food Flow is what I and my family need?

Family Food Flow is designed for anyone who faces challenges with family nutrition. If you recognize the struggles mentioned in the sales page, my new membership is tailored to help you and your family overcome them. To avoid any surprises, I recommend booking a free digital introductory session of 30 minutes with me so that we can explore if Family Food Flow is a good solution for you and your family.

When is Family Food Flow NOT for me?

My membership may not be suitable for you if:

    • You never reflect on your relationship with food and don’t question your eating habits.
    • You’re seeking new recipes, like to weigh quantities or like to follow strict instructions.
    • You or a family member has a medical problem that needs to be solved first (please check this with me during a free digital introductory session of 30 minutes).
    • You have little interest in long-term health effects or in adopting an open-minded, non-restrictive approach to health
    • You don’t believe I can help your child(ren) only if you also embody your family’s nutrition goals.
    • You don’t speak English (as all the information of the membership is given in English).

My youngest child is younger than 6 months or older than 6 years old. Can I still join?

Yes, you can still join, but I recommend checking with me through a free digital introductory session of 30 minutes to ensure my membership aligns with your expectations.

Will I receive personalized recipes?

No, you won’t receive personalized recipes, but you will receive inspiration and guidance for cooking balanced family meals.

Sofie, this is a group membership, will I get personalized advice?

You can ask me all your questions about the given information and I get back to you (in a group Q&A or podcast). I will give answers to your practical, non-medical questions, but this membership does NOT include personalized advice. If you need this, you can always book consultations with me – also as a Family Food Flow member – allowing us to really apply everything learned in the membership together on a personal level.

Can you guarantee results?

I can guarantee that you will gain valuable insights on how to feed yourself and your family. Yet, Family Food Flow is a membership with a focus on knowledge and practical tools. I engage to you in terms of efforts, but not in terms results. Learning how to eat is a very gradual process and a lot is happening under the iceberg. You might need to unlearn more than you learn from me. Giving me your feedback during our time together and staying open-minded for any of the theoretical models given is crucial. The testimonials on this page come from patients who did four personal sessions with me.

How can I cancel the membership?

If you want to cancel your membership, you send me an email and you won’t have to pay anymore starting next month.

Is your membership compatible with private consultations?

Definitely! You’ll already have a lot of useful information and exercises done in preparation for our 1-on-1 consultations. This will make our time together even more valuable and efficient. Schedule a free digital introductory session if you would like to know more about my options for consultations (home consultations, online, …).

I don’t live in the Brussels Capital Region. Can I join?

Sure, real live events might be included in the membership, but it is still very valuable to join from distance/abroad.

Why should I work with you and not another dietitian?

If you value honesty, helpful feedback, insightful guidance, and authenticity, I’m the right choice for you. Being a mother myself and having let go of diet culture through my son’s eating adventure, I offer a non-diet, nourishing and non-restrictive perspective on food. I’m to the point and no-nonsense while maintaining a gentle approach. I also put you – and your partner – first so that you can truly embody your family’s nutrition goals.

Do you have general conditions?

Sure, you can check these here!